Thursday, November 6, 2014

Bitchslicer - Cum Inside

Here is Bitchslicer.
This band got in contact with me some years ago (about 2006) when I was more into the metal and I bought this album from their non-profit label Worldeather Records. If I still had my CD copy I'd rip something better for you, but here's some 128/kilospersecond for you. Maybe a better rip in a year or so or more; the copy is still there, we're just separated by ~1,000 miles.

1 Drag My Own Coffin To Hell
2 Snuffed - NES Ice Hockey Re-Mix
3 Evil Awakening
4 Sodomancer
5 Cum Inside
6 A Return To The Fire
7 Ancient Evil
8 King Cobra (Ode To Thrash)
9 Call Of The Blood God
10 Y.C.H.
11 Touch Of Evil
12 Waitin' For The Devil
13 Dead Bleed
14 Only Freedom Is Blood
15 Out Run The Fire
16 This Is Satan
17 Evil Awakening - Instrumental
18 Snuffed - Instrumental
19 Long Live The End

P+S Here is some more:
P+P+S "Cats will succeed were humans have failed."

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Henry Cow - Western Culture



Henry Cow - In Praise of Learning

Did I say it was uk?


Henry Cow - Unrest

It was a rather unlike thing that was only too delightful to say never happened. What I meant was a let's just feel it out.

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Henry Cow - Legend

So what are you thinking about? Time is about 2100 and the beer is going down now soon the coffees too. The most obvious thing, one would think, is that the sky is dark, and yes it's true. There's been nothing going on for your life and you are not so torn up about it. Good.


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Yochk'o Seffer - Yog 3: Yochk'o Seffer Big-Band

T'was a big band that let out their sound. It happened to be recorded, perhaps by arrangement.


Yochk'o Seffer - Yog 2: Sefira

Zao man part 2. YOG YOG.


Yochk'o Seffer - Yog 1: Pitchipoy

This guy looks real cool, huh? Turns out he is! Zao man extraordinaire. The saxophone and high-end vocals on Osiris and other Zao albums. This is Jeff "Yochk'o" Seffer returning to a more Zao sound after about a decade and a half of fussing around after Zao (fussing much worth the listen let's say) (one day I share with you maybes?). Now let it fill the air. Set the magnets to unleash vibrations and turn your organs towards the sounds which recreate those made by this man, his saxophone, and the ones who lent their time to his vision.

let us pave the way to nothing. . .  [Updated 2015 Feb 25]

Monday, September 29, 2014

SST - Close Encounters of the Third Kind

punkrocker. CA. SF. Flipper related material. Punk. Punk Pu . . ... .. ... .. .. .. . .. .. n. . . . . .. pu . .  pp    u  u . .  u . u  .  n k  / n  k u  p u n k  . SST. S . Flipper. Generic Flipper. Album. No Black Flag ties. F


Stomu Yamash'ta - Red Buddha

Take one, take some more. I figure you'll do it. Would you not? Either way, but perhaps you've never heard your life?
Not soundtrack. Two long songs. Ambient-type.


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Osamu Kitajima - Benzaiten

Yeah, yeah, we all heard this one before. More 'ethno-rock and roll' for you. Cultural exploitation? Cultural integration? Nothing? Does it even exist? Of somthings we cannot be convinced. Drums and guitars are on this album just like all the albums (mostly) posted here previously; surely you noticed the fact, yes? So what ever you got this on M-S years ago or found some other way or you didn't and now you're here or you have no idea what I mean or you're not reading this or or o    or   or   o r   o r o r o ro ro rr  r r or o ro ro ro ro oo ror ror roro  r r ropr roo rr r rrororor ror ror ror ror roroo r or ro roo r o r ro o r o r o ro ororororororororororororororororororororororoorororororororororoor 01 101010101111010101010101011110001110101010101011111100298278901982763yehui8yhrui9348uyhnfjkiduh
Take it as something else or someother and make a couple 'clicks' as they say to make this a part of your new rotation and god bless.


Stomu Yamash'ta's Red Buddha Theatre - The Man from the East

Japan. Soundtrack. Sounds. Guitars. Drums. Music made by percussionist-led group. Decent music. Jazz. Jazz. Jazz. If you go for that east asian thing than you should probably get down with this it getting those trad. folk elements from here and there and sometimes. Ana Orori. White. It gets good.


Friday, August 29, 2014

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Fusioon - Fusioon

Another one. A bit different than 3rd/last album Minorisa, more tame you could say. If you want to know something about the sound, it has been described as 'jazz-rock,' fusion, prog, with bits of classical and Spanish melodies.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Anthony Braxton - The Complete Arista Recordings

More Braxton? Yes, 8 discs worth. This is another pub-biblio forward, but worth it considering our long affair with Mr. Braxton.

Includes the albums:
  1. New York, Fall 1974
  2. Five Pieces 1975
  3. Creative Orchestra Music 1976
  4. Duets 1976
  5. For Trio
  6. The Montreux/Berlin Concerts
  7. Alto Saxophone Improvisations 1979
  8. For Four Orchestras
  9. For Two Pianos

Disc I & Disc II
Disc III & Disc IV [Updated 2015 Feb 03]
Disc V & Disc VI [Updated 2015 Feb 03]
Disc VII & Disc VIII

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

ヒカシュー - 夏

Album before うわさの人類. Pronounced Natsu.
Lighter. More electro-like. Just listen, I guess.

1. アルタネイティヴ・サン
2. 不思議のマーチ
3. パイク
4. イルカは笑う
5. モーニング・ウォーター
6. 謎の呪文
1. オアシスの夢
8. マスク
9. スイカの行進
10. ビノ・パイク
11. 瞳の歌
12. ガラスのダンス


Monday, May 26, 2014

G.G. Allin's Dick - Grandes Éxitos

Combination of traditional Iberian music and modern electric, heavy lean on the former.
Yes it is good. Don't believe me? Listen:

Be sure to check out more from You Are Not Stealing Records as there is much good stuff there.
  1. Pollita Española 
  2. No quiero verte llorar 
  3. El Infierno tan temido 
  4. Un pecho desnudo y muy hermoso

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Albert Ayler - Holy Ghost

Check out what I got from the public library! 10 disks of Albert Ayler is right. I got it for free so I thought you should too.
The 'truth' is that there are only 9 discs, but that's just the 'truth,' you understand? Reality is different than truth it seems. . . .

Disks 1-7 & 10 are music. Featured are seminal tracks like Ghosts, Spirits Rejoice, and Bells.
8 + 9 are interviews. Let's you know a bit more about the organism himself and all his thought processes and that.

Mostly live recordings, even a set from Coltrane's funeral. All types of free jazz musicians are here, including Pharoah Sanders; Cecil Taylor; and Sam Rivers, who we all know was on Conference of the Birds. . .. . if not, now we do.

Too overbearing an introduction to Mr. Ayler's work? Check out his breakout album Spiritual Unity instead, than come right back here for more.

1-1 Herbert Katz Quintet w/ Albert Ayler Sonnymoon For Two
Written-By – Sonny Rollins
1-2 Herbert Katz Quintet w/ Albert Ayler Summertime
Written-By – George Gershwin-Ira Gershwin*
1-3 Herbert Katz Quintet w/ Albert Ayler On Green Dolphin Street
Written-By – Bronislau Kaper*
1-4 Borge Roger Henrichsen* Spoken Intro 0:42
1-5 Cecil Taylor Quartet* w/ Albert Ayler Four
Alto Saxophone – Jimmy Lyons  Piano – Cecil Taylor Written-By – Cecil Taylor
1-6 Albert Ayler Trio Spirits [Incomplete] 6:38
1-7 Albert Ayler Trio Saints 10:32
1-8 Albert Ayler Trio Ghosts [Incomplete] 10:56
2-1 Albert Ayler Trio The Wizard 6:51
2-2 Albert Ayler Trio Children 9:05
2-3 Albert Ayler Trio Spirits [Theme] 0:28
2-4 Unknown Artist Spoken Radio Introduction 0:55
2-5 Albert Ayler Quartet Spirits 8:43
2-6 Albert Ayler Quartet Vibrations 8:23
2-7 Albert Ayler Quartet [Tune Q] 8:59
2-8 Albert Ayler Quartet Mothers 7:53
2-9 Albert Ayler Quartet Children 8:38
2-10 Albert Ayler Quartet Spirits [Theme] 1:25
2-11 Burton Greene Quintet w/ Albert Ayler [Untitled] (Collective)
Drums – Rashied Ali Piano – Greene* Tenor Saxophone – Frank Smith

First Set
3-1 Peter Bergman (2) Spoken Introduction By Peter Bergman 1:03
3-2 Albert Ayler Quintet Spirits Rejoice 4:39
3-3 Albert Ayler Quintet D.C.
Written-By – Don Cherry
3-4 Albert Ayler Quintet [Untitled Minor Waltz] 7:04
3-5 Albert Ayler Quintet Our Prayer
Written-By – Don Ayler*

Second Set
3-6 Peter Bergman  Spoken Introduction By Peter Bergman 1:13
3-7 Albert Ayler Quintet [F# Tune] 15:20
3-8 Albert Ayler Quintet Ghosts 6:32

First Set
3-9 Albert Ayler Quintet Spirits Rejoice 6:31
3-10 Albert Ayler Quintet Prophet / Ghosts / Spiritual Bells 14:33
3-11 Albert Ayler Quintet Our Prayer / Spirits Rejoice
Written-By [Our Prayer] – Don Ayler*

Second Set
4-1 Albert Ayler Quintet [Untitled] / Truth Is Marching In 15:43
4-2 Albert Ayler Quintet Spirits 9:16
4-3 Albert Ayler Quintet Zion Hill 12:40
4-4 Albert Ayler Quintet Spirits 7:00
4-5 Albert Ayler Quintet Spiritual Bells 3:48
4-6 Albert Ayler Quintet [F# Tune] 9:18

5-1 Ralf Schulte-Bahrenberg Concert Announcement By Ralf Schulte-Bahrenberg 1:10
5-2 Albert Ayler Quintet Ghosts / Bells 11:15
5-3 Albert Ayler Quintet Truth Is Marching In 7:07
5-4 Albert Ayler Quintet Omega 3:48
5-5 Albert Ayler Quintet Our Prayer
Written-By – Don Ayler*
5-6 Peter de Wit  Spoken Introduction By Peter de Wit 1:25
5-7 Albert Ayler Quintet Truth Is Marching In 11:14
5-8 Albert Ayler Quintet Bells 5:35
5-9 Albert Ayler Quintet Spirits Rejoice 10:51
5-10 Albert Ayler Quintet "Free Spiritual Music", Part IV 6:44
6-1 Albert Ayler Quintet Truth Is Marching In / Omega 9:00
6-2 Albert Ayler Quintet Japan / Universal Indians
Vocals – Ayler* Written-By [Japan] – Traditional
6-3 Albert Ayler Quintet Our Prayer
Soprano Saxophone, Alto Saxophone – Ayler* Written-By – Don Ayler*
6-4 Albert Ayler Quartet Love Cry / Truth Is Marching In/Our Prayer
Vocals – Ayler* Written-By [Our Prayer] – Don Ayler*
6-5 Pharoah Sanders Ensemble w/ Albert Ayler Venus / Upper And Lower Egypt
Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone – Unknown Artist Bass – Sirone Drums – Roger Blank Piano – Dave Burrell Tenor Saxophone – Sanders* Trumpet – Chris Capers Written-By – Pharoah Sanders
6-6 Albert Ayler [Blues] 6:04
6-7 Albert Ayler [Sermon]
Soloist [Solo Recitation] – Ayler*
6-8 Albert Ayler Thank God For Women
Written-By – Albert Ayler, Mary Parks
6-9 Albert Ayler New Ghosts [Demo Fragments]
Written-By – Albert Ayler, Mary Parks
7-1 Don Ayler Sextet w/ Albert Ayler Prophet John
Alto Saxophone – Albert Ayler Bass – Ibrahim Wahen Drums – Muhammed Ali* Piano – Richard Johnson  Tenor Saxophone – Sam Rivers Written-By – Don Ayler*
7-2 Don Ayler Sextet w/ Albert Ayler Judge Ye Not
Alto Saxophone – Albert Ayler Bass – Ibrahim Wahen Drums – Muhammed Ali* Piano – Richard Johnson  Tenor Saxophone – Sam Rivers Written-By – Don Ayler*
7-3 Albert Ayler Quartet Mothers / Children 8:42
7-4 Albert Ayler Quartet [Untitled, Incomplete] 14:14
7-5 Albert Ayler Quartet [C Minor] 5:21
7-6 Albert Ayler Quartet [F Minor / C Minor] 10:36
8-1 Albert Ayler Travel And Plans 1:49
8-2 Albert Ayler Holbaek 0:39
8-3 Albert Ayler The New Blues 1:33
8-4 Albert Ayler Christmastime Stateside 1:10
8-5 Albert Ayler A Great Change 1:35
8-6 Albert Ayler Traveling And Coltrane 1:00
8-7 Albert Ayler Drummers And Sunny Murray 1:42
8-8 Albert Ayler A Job To Do 1:00
8-9 Albert Ayler Birth, Family, First Music 3:04
8-10 Albert Ayler Academy, The Road, School 0:57
8-11 Albert Ayler Young Professional And Army 5:40
8-12 Albert Ayler Sweden 4:39
8-13 Albert Ayler New York 0:49
8-14 Albert Ayler 1964 1:25
8-15 Albert Ayler Frustration, Sources 3:39
8-16 Albert Ayler 1966 Tour And Coltrane 3:16
8-17 Albert Ayler Impulse And Mary Maria 3:27
8-18 Albert Ayler The Artist's Life 1:31
8-19 Albert Ayler Question: LeRoi Jones 0:46
8-20 Albert Ayler Question: "For John Coltrane" 1:10
8-21 Albert Ayler Question: Socio-Policial Connections 3:19
8-22 Albert Ayler Question: Instrumentation, Engineering 4:16
8-23 Albert Ayler Choosing The Players 0:50
9-1 Albert Ayler Current Activity 1:59
9-2 Albert Ayler Antibes 1:06
9-3 Albert Ayler Japan/Coltrane's Funeral 1:02
9-4 Albert Ayler Clubs 3:39
9-5 Albert Ayler Ahead Of My Time 1:42
9-6 Albert Ayler Home Lives; Brooklyn And Cleveland 1:27
9-7 Albert Ayler Impulse, pt. 1: Hippies 1:21
9-8 Albert Ayler "Space Music" 1:07
9-9 Albert Ayler Don 0:46
9-10 Albert Ayler "Thank God For Women" 0:46
9-11 Albert Ayler Blues & Rhythm 1:17
9-12 Albert Ayler Copying My Records 2:00
9-13 Albert Ayler Impulse, pt. 2: New Grass 2:18
9-14 Albert Ayler Tone And "Vibration" 1:07
9-15 Albert Ayler Rollins, Coleman, And Coltrane 4:08
9-16 Albert Ayler Maeght Group 0:57
9-17 Albert Ayler Serenity Of Life 0:36
9-18 Albert Ayler Childhood Memories, pt. 1 2:00
9-19 Albert Ayler [Blairman Enters] 0:34
9-20 Albert Ayler Early Professional Career 1:03
9-21 Albert Ayler Childhood Memories, pt. 2 1:09
9-22 Albert Ayler Don's Music 3:47
9-23 Albert Ayler "I Love America" And Youth 1:05
9-24 Albert Ayler Mary And Golf 0:38
9-25 Albert Ayler Early Relationships And Mary Maria 1:03
9-26 Albert Ayler Japan Work And Warm Weather 4:01
9-27 Albert Ayler Play Solo 0:24
9-28 Albert Ayler Naming Tunes 1:22
9-29 Albert Ayler Charles Ives 0:25
9-30 Albert Ayler Influences 1:44
9-31 Albert Ayler Practicing 1:09
9-32 Albert Ayler The Healing Force 0:52
9-33 Albert Ayler Diet And America 2:08
9-34 Albert Ayler Defining "Improvisation" 0:45
9-35 Albert Ayler Sonny Rollins, Reactions, And Miles Davis 2:43
9-36 Albert Ayler Newport '67 2:30
9-37 Albert Ayler New York: Keeping To Oneself [Mary Maria Joins] 0:39
9-38 Don* & Mocqui Cherry Untitled
Interviewee – Don*, Mocqui Cherry

10-1 US Army Band* Tenderly
Tenor Saxophone [Solo@2:30;3:04] – Ayler* Written-By – Lawrence*, Gross*
10-2 US Army Band* Leap Frog
Tenor Saxophone [All 4 Exposed Improvs.] – Ayler* Written-By – Garland*



[Updated / verified 2015 May 3]